I’m sick and tired of being, well, sick and tired. Coming to the end of 14 days of antibiotics, probiotics and electrolytes, I am still not back to 100% especially where energy levels are concerned. That said, I feel better than I did and for that mercy I am grateful.
I’m still not feeling up to major jobs around the smallholding but, at the request of SWMBO, briefly attacked an overgrown bougainvillea with the chainsaw until my energy ran out. Looking to take things a little easier, I ventured out today to move our neighbour’s rams from the gully paddock into the large paddock. Given the lush spring growth we have as a result of the winter rains, Larry and Garry (or is it Barry and Harry?) needed no prompting to move to new pastures and start munching.
While they munched, I set to and did a few running repairs to the post and rail enclosures, stiles and other wooden structures around the place, so that things looking like this…
…ended up looking more like this.
Jobs done, I spent a while just watching our calf TJ graze along side Poppy the lamb and the chickens in the home paddock. There’s yet to be a time when I experience such moments and fail to feel blessed to live where we live, look after the land we live on and steward the stock we have.
TJ is growing in stature and confidence, increasingly happy to use her weight and muscle to push her way to the front of the feeding queue.
Poppy is just as keen to be fed first and uses her speed, not to mention her piercingly persistent bleat to inform us that we’re taking too long or have our pecking order priorities wrong. Part of our enjoyment is sharing these times with others and being a part of a community where we can connect with people, learn from them and do life together.
We are blessed to have friends like John and Justine who have given us much advice, their continuing friendship and an old bench we can sit on and enjoy cups of tea in the sun; friends like Sean and Katie whose girls come to our place and ours to theirs to spend time just doing stuff like making hokey-pokey and rehearsing their dances and friends like Johnny and Michelle who walked over this afternoon to borrow some golden syrup, stopped to chat for a few minutes and ended up having a glass of wine and a few olives as the sun slowly headed towards the horizon.