After a five and a half month hiatus, here’s the first in a number of update posts that will hopefully go someway to explaining why blogging took a back seat for a while.
The short story is this: we moved.
The longer story is that, after 6 years, we have shifted from our first Kiwi home, a timber house on a quarter acre section on the edge of a township to our new place, a brick home with granny flat and separate cottage on 4 acres set in rural farmland.
First came the dreaded packing…
…and more packing…
..until it seemed like we’d never be finished with the never-ending boxes and brown tape.
The big day arrived and with it heaps of friends to help us and the movers get our stuff shifted to the new place. After a day of hard labour and laughs – not to mention a frustrating and expensive wait for keys – we managed to get everything from the old house to the new place, just in time for me to snap the last of the day disappearing over the coastal forest and into the Tasman.
Happy new home! Looks lovely 🙂
Hey Urge! Hope all is well with you!