A quick post for no other reason than to share a nice true story.
- Yesterday, I grabbed a burger and fries with a young guy from church and chatted through some stuff he’s got on his mind.
- This morning, walking to the college bus with my daughter, the young guy finds $120 in crisp new notes in the street.
- They call me on my cellphone for advice and I say keep it safe and hand it in to the police station as soon as possible.
- The young guy passes the money to my daughter as she’ll be able to get there sooner.
- After school, she goes to the police and they ask her to check with the three local banks before they take the money into safekeeping.
- The banks all say no-one has reported the loss to them so she signs it over to the police. They say that if it isn’t claimed in 90 days, the $120 bucks will go to the young guy.
- Meanwhile, the young guy’s mum is waiting for her lodger to return from work and pay the rent.
- The sad lodger returns home to report that although he drew the rent money out of ATM this morning but has somehow lost it during the day.
- The young guy overhears and gets to deliver the ‘happy ever after’ punchline to the story.
- They call us to say they’re heading to the police station first thing in the morning.
As Hannibal Smith used to say, ‘I love it when a plan comes together.’
[edited as ecto swallowed the text of the original post somehow]
Tags: A-Team, cash, coincidence, do the right thing, Faith, feel good, hannibal smith, money, police, Ponderings