The weekend paper

‘Since the London bombings, lots more people cycle around the place, which I suppose is a good thing. Though I don’t know which is more annoying: those who race down the pavement, swerving past just before you realise that they are bearing down on you at 20mph, or those who bossily ring the bell to signal “get out of my way, pedestrians!” […] At this point I get lots of letters saying that this represents a small minority of cyclists. All I can say is that recent experience suggests it is not such a small minority.’

Simon Hoggart, talking out of his backside in Saturday’s Guardian.  I only wish I could match his sweeping generalisations with some of my own.  How about lazy journalists who have trouble generating enough fresh, witty column inches by their sub-editor’s deadline or who feel the need to add a codicil or rider to their argument to shore it up.  I know diary pieces are meant to be personal and opinionated but I was under the impression that such opinions should be new and original, not hackneyed and anecdotal.

Meanwhile, on the Letters page on the day the world remembered the bombing of Hiroshima, Kiwi reader Craig Young points out the irony in New Zealand non-nuclear stance, given that Ernest Rutherford was a New Zealander.  The main thrust of his letter is something that I have been mentioning when folks ask if we’re emigrating because of the recent terrorist attacks in London: that the only terrorist act visited upon New Zealand – the sinking of the Rainbow Warrior in Auckland harbour – was carried out by French secret service agents acting on their Government’s orders.

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